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We are pleased to announce that we are now providing meals to veterans aged 50 and over in partnership with the Newport Health Hut. These can be delivered to your home address in Newport and surrounding areas by our volunteers.

This is available to veterans struggling with poor health, including mental health, and is also available to their partners or carers. This is also to support veterans aged 50 and over who are shielding or having to isolate.

We will also provide a free meal to veterans aged 50 and over, their partner or carer at our hub every Thursday. Meals are available to others for £3. Please get in touch if you would like to apply for additional support during this testing time or know of anyone who would benefit.

We are open this Thursday, 17 December 12:00-18:00 for our final session this year. We will re-open on 7 January.

Meals available are below and we will provide two meals a day for the veteran and their partner or carer for five days.

  • Chinese chicken curry
  • Beef madras
  • Mixed vegetable lasagne
  • Pasta Bolognese
  • Sausage and mash
  • Faggots, peas and mash
  • Bbq boneless chicken thighs with coleslaw and new potatoes

If you are struggling with self-care and cooking at home, we can extend the support available. This project will run until the end of March and is funded by age Cymru and the Welsh Government. We have enough funding to provide around 600 meals.

As well as hearing from people who themselves need support, we would like help to identify veterans in Newport and surrounding areas who would benefit from this support.

Visit our contact us page for details of how to get in touch. Please note, the meals shown above are for illustration purposes only.

This project has been funded by: